Online - ISSN (2394-2975), ISSN : 2394 – 6814 (Print)
+91 - 977 988 3785 [email protected]
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Instructions to Authors

Before Preparing the Manuscript

The following is a brief overview of the submission and review process:-

  • Paper Title
  • Authors and Affiliations (Dept., Degree, College / University Name, City, Country)
  • Abstract (Max. 250 words)
  • Keywords (Max. 3 to 6)
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Results and Discussion (Experimental)
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgement
  • References
  • Author/s Profile (Optional)

Margins: Top 1.0″ Bottom 1.0″ Left 1.0″ Right 1.0

Font: Times New Roman / 12 pt

Paper Size: Letter A4

Prepare figures as publication-quality .JPG or EPS files.

Prepare a cover letter as described.

All Technical papers will be published in the Journal after peer-review of process.

Reviewers will recommend whether the manuscript should be accepted, revised or declined.

If you need to submit a revised manuscript for review, prepare and submit a revised manuscript.

Submitted manuscripts must describe original research not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts must be written in English, although papers may be submitted by authors from any country. Authors who are not native English speakers may appreciate assistance with grammar, vocabulary, and style when submitting papers to IJRECT.

Prepare manuscript text in Microsoft Word and submitted to [email protected]

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