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Vol. 4 Issue3

IJARET Vol. 4 Issue 3 (July - September 2017)

Sr. No. Research Topic Paper ID Page No.
1.A Study of Family Climate in Relation to Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students
S.N. Dandagal, Dr. M.C.Yarriswami
2.Deterioration of rural road pavement caused by heavy vehicular traffic, A case study of wanpora road
Shemyla khan, Ajit singh
3.A Study of Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Scoio-Economic Status of Coastal And non-coastal secondary school students
Amrita P. Madiwal 2 DR. A.V. Bamagond
4.Impact of English Language Learning Package on achievement in English among 9th standard Students
Santhosh Kumar. R 2 Dr.M.C.Yarriswami
5.Performance Enhancement of the RSA Algorithm by Optimize Partial Product of Booth Multiplier
Jyoti Kalia, Vikas Mittal
6.Effect of Audiovisual Quiz on Knowledge and Perceptions of Community Health Workers about HIV/AIDS in Mulshi Taluka of Pune
Dr. Neha Ande, Dr Rahul Bogam
7.Study Habit and Achievement of the Ug/Pg Students towards Distance Education Courses
Dr.M. Thirumalaichamy, Dr. A. Muthumanickam
8.An Entropy Based Effective Algorithm for Data Discretization
Priyanka Das, Sarita Sharma
9.Need of Freirean Critical Awareness in Indian Society: Causes of Oppression in Indian Education
Dr. Uday Mehta

Girija L. Lamani, Dr. R. H. Naik
10.Matlab simulation for Bridgeless Buck Converter
Niyas Thayyil
11.Achievement of Sarva Shiksha Mission in the Hooghly district of West Bengal: A parents’ point of View
Sanghamitra Basak, Professor Prasenjit Deb
12.An Interaction Effect of Urban Students Mental Health, Emotional Intelligence and Attitude on Academic Achievement in Science Among Secondary School Students
Girija L. Lamani, Dr. R. H. Naik
13.A Study on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Relation to Their Social Status
Jayashree. K. Badiger, Dr. V.D. Aiholli
14.A Study on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Relation to Their Social Status
S.N.Dandagal, Dr.M.C.Yarriswami
15.Automatic Camera Steering based on Person Tracking Algorithm
Prajval Rao, Shrinidhi Rao, Dr Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula
16.Temporal Lagging and Under-Optimization in Resource Allocation
Nisar A. Sheikh, A. Hidhayathullah
17.Design and Analysis of Electrical Unloaded Bracket of An Aircraft
M. Manna Prince, M.S.R Niranjan Kumar